Teaching and mentoring

Teaching Experience

  1. Teaching assistant for CS599, Computational Complexity Fall 2023.
  2. Teaching assistant for CS170, Discrete Methods in Computer Science, Summer 2023.
  3. Teaching assistant for CS270, Introduction to Algorithms and the Theory of Computing, Spring 2022.

Mentoring Experience

  1. Currently a CURVE PhD mentor for the Academic year 2023-2024, advising two USC undergrads on Denoising and visualization of high-dimensional datasets.

    CURVE is a year-long research program held at USC, where undergraduate students actively participate in research. I will be adding more details as the semester progresses!

  2. SHINE Mentor for Summer 2022. Advised two students on the basics of PCA when applied to biological data.

    Shine is a K-12 outreach program held in the Summers by the Viterbi School of Engineering, where high schoolers get research exposure as well as participate in some of the work.